Passage / Napoli
(Lexi 031, released March 2024)
Op Land begins with a slow landing on planet Earth, before unfolding on the B-side in the middle of an overly
populated city somewhere around the Mediterranean Sea.
SZLO is the nickname of Laszlo Umbreit, who last year released an ambitious album on Sub Rosa.
On this warm 7-inch, he succeeds in going beyond his primal, multi-layered eletronic compositions to offer the simple
pleasure of a not so straight-forward melody.
Videos for the B-side there
and the A-side here.
Music: Laszlo Umbreit
Mixing: Empire Digital
Mastering: Christophe Guiraud
Artwork: Monsieur Pimpant
Distribution Rush Hour
Avec l'aide de la Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles - Service des Musiques
Six Feet Of Snow / French Fried
(Lexi 030, released September 2023)
Born french, fried in Belgium, Accou recently delivered on stage ecstatic dancefloor sets
for the techno enthusiast. Back to the intimacy of his studio, Antoine dives into layered
dreamy electronics with a warm loving feeling covered under six feet of snow.
On the other side of the record, that noisy guitar sound coming straight out of the early
nineties instantly catches the ear for a joyful travel in time.
Music: Accou
Mixing: Laszlo Umbreit
Mastering: Antony Ryan
Artwork: Hugo Livet, Marouchka Payen and a poem from Marjolein Guldentops
Avec l'aide de la Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles - Service des Musiques
Non mon garçon
(Lexi 029, released February 2022)
When entering the funny world of Charlène Darling, you will first notice that nothing is
really square yet everything seems at its right place.
This single is all about love, rythm and voice, a frontal topic and a minimalist setup -
drum and vocals - that leads to a surprisingly full and energetic sound. Charlène Darling
has previously released an album on L'Amour aux 1000 Parfums acclaimed for his ambitious
arrangements, this one gets closer to her solo appearances on stage. One song is the
transformation of an italian classic that shows a joyful and angry face and the other
one is a bittersweet irish traditional translated in french. Girls in love are ruthless,
aren’t they?
Artwork: Marouchka Payen, Flore Bleiberg
Master & Cut: Frederic Alstadt
Recording & Mixing: Valentin Noiret
Chou Chou
(Lexi 028, released October 2021)
Chou Chou is a real sweetheart even on Lawrence Le Doux and Roger 3000 standards. A chou is a fluffy pastry : here, it is filled with cream on A-side,
enhanced with an extra caramel topping on the other. But with its balanced mix between light, almost nostalgic electronics and soft-tone electric guitar,
the sugar rush never kicks in and it's just giving it all to a relaxed and chilled vibration.
Artwork : Julien Meert, Emmanuel Gonay
Mix, Master, Cut: Analogcut
Thank you Ann Appermans, Tommy De Nys
Walking Dub / Money Magic
(Lexi 027, released August 2021)
Walking home late through the streets of your hometown on a summer night brings peace of mind and a special state of joy.
This single with its sparkling sounds and undulating rhythm is a blissful soundtrack to the hike home that keeps you awake
just a little longer. On this record, Sagat is taking a step sideways to explore a sweeter, warmer version of his music.
Listen to a minute, buy on Bandcamp
Artwork: Wiet Lengeler, Emmanuel Gonay
Mastering and cut : Frederic Alstadt
Aταραξία Kαταστροφή
(Lexi 026, released June 2021)
In the early 2000s, Buffle represented in Brussels the fluid and smiling face of free improv with a psychedelic vibe.
Xavier Garcia Bardon (solo in Saule, Sub Rosa, 2002) and Emmanuel Gonay never lost their playful and genuine minds in
the many projects they later developed but take here the opposite road to dive into pure composition. Expect delicate and meditative,
time expanding sounds on ’Aταραξία (Ataraxia), adventurous, almost epic exploration on Καταστροφή (Katastrophê).
Western civilizations are rooted in ancient Greece, gods were already indifferent to humans back then and epicurism is still a vivid idea around here.
’Aταραξία means the capacity to accept things as they are, to enjoy the now without any trouble of mind while Καταστροφή is another perspective on
these troubling present times. As Musica Mosaica is conceived as a system of sounds, it might well appear to you in the future in a different frame,
this first single being the opening door.
Mix : Laszlo Umbreit
Artwork: Eric Kinny, Emmanuel Gonay, Xavier Garcia Bardon
Mastering: Christophe Albertijn
Zij, Goesting, Eindeloos toogfilosoof
(Lexi 025, 7-inch + 12-pages booklet, released September 2020)
Alex Deforce is a barman, a poet and a painter.
His writings are drowned in the Brussels nights out and built on the swampy atmosphere of its cafes :
beer on tap, temporary friendships and loyalty to places, too many toughts to disorganize and the physical pain of the days after.
On these first solo recordings, AD uses his warm, naked voice and unfiltered texts with the subtle support of Charlotte Jacobs on 'Zij' and the sounds of Wiet L. on 'Goesting'.
You will need to search for the final track 'Eindeloos toogfilosoof' a bit further than your local boozer.
Production : Paulo Rietjens, Frontal Studio
Artwork : Alex Deforce, Marouchka Payen, Emmanuel Gonay, Lucas van de Coq, Font OSP Brussels
Mastering and cut : Frederic Alstadt
Brillanza y Orgullo
(Lexi 024, released September 2019)
Long awaited debut single by young french-argentinian Luna Cedron.
Having a rich musical background from flamenco to trap, from french punk to underground club sounds,
Fiesta en el Vacio is developing a strange world of her own, dark, fragile and poetic.
The present record is bathed in organ-like synth and spanish singing, very tense on A-side (walking too fast on an empty dark street)
and almost numb on the B-side (lost in an unknown bright garden with no way out).
Listen for yourself: youtube
Artwork: Ji Min Park, Benoit Lorent, Harrisson, Emmanuel Gonay
Mixing, mastering: Christophe Albertijn
Thanks to Tommy
Passion Sauna
(Lexi 023, released April 2019)
In life as on stage, it's difficult to figure out whether KG is joking or not. In music, can humor mix with
genuine pleasure? Is it possible to build a stadium anthem in a DIY home studio in the middle of Elsass,
germanische France? Are we allowed to dance hands up, laugh on a dirty pastiche and feel the depth of
our melancholic nature on the exact same fast beat? Maybe this is what this single is pursuing in an epic
"Trop bien!" (Zoé, 17 ans)
Artwork: R. Bux, Unknown Internet Soldier, Harrisson, Rosi
Mastering & cut: Frederic Alstadt
Listen on youtube
Perspectives from the Silverspore Expanse
(Lexi 022, 7", released September 2018)
Somewhere between the psychedelic mists of Leeds - Ashtray Navigations is almost a neighbour - and a post-industrial dehumanized dystopic near future, Vymethoxy Redspiders
translates visions of an eerie landscape of desolation and peace, of hidden wonder and terror, into two slow electronic pieces - a vivid british legacy from dark ambient to
power electronics - supported by soprano recorder sounds. VR is the solo project of Uroceras Gigas from the noise-rock duet Guttersnipe who makes here a perfect soundtrack
for a distrastrous yet beautiful present.
Artwork: Vymethoxy Redspiders, Félicité Perpétuelle, Harrisson, Marouchka Payen, Morgane Le Ferec
Printing: Emmanuel Gonay, Jelle Crama (it takes a village to raise a child)
Mastering & cut: Frederic Alstadt
Listen to it on vinyl.
Imagine what it's like
(Lexi 021, 7", released March 2018)
Heavily melancholic since 2005, Jesus Is My Son goes pop in these 2 lighter songs taken from his recent set:
Peaceful and tense on 'Innocence' with its clear melody and natural harmonics; With an arabian feel and detachment on 'Insouciance'.
Artwork: Gregory Duby, Harrisson / Printing: Nicolas Storck
Premastering: Aymeric de Tapol / Mastering & cut: Frederic Alstadt
Listen on youtube
What happens if I open my mouth?
(Lexi 020, released June 2017)
A video maker and performer previously active in The After Lucy Experiment, Céline Gillain is discreet - almost secretive when it comes to
her music. As a producer, she's using straight electronics to push people into her own zone of sci-fi, feminism and existential philosophy
in the virtual world. Combining her love for what's shiny and a dark sense of humor, these 2 first songs on record are questioning roles
assigned, not only as women searching for their own ways in the boy's club.
Artwork: Céline Gillain, Emmanuel Gonay
Mastering and cut: F.Alstadt
The youtube
The CG on video
Sigses Saturninos
(Lexi019, 7", released May 2017)
Disposición Asoleada (spanish for sunny disposition) is the moniker of the Ecuadorian music citizen David Jarrín. Active in the Brussels
psych and noise scene since 2003, his explorations range between acoustic lo-fi experiments to eerie soundscapes, from glitch electronics
to raga oriented transfigurations on a six string banjo. Lexi Disques is proud to present his first vinyl: Two atmospheric and tense
pieces haunted by Andean ghosts and the evocation of hidden voices in the spoil piles of history.
Artwork: Gabriela Gonzalez, Beata Szparagowska, Emmanuel Gonay
Mastering + cut: F.Alstadt
Listen to Bird songs for Librado Rivera (sound)
Kaifa - Jeetou
(Lexi 017 - Pneu 013, 10", released November 2016)
A sufi singer grown in the suburban landscapes of Flanders, YZ develops his very own vision of ancient arabic poetry, wrapping it into a thick blanket of electronics made of crafted layers melting into each others. His epic synthesis comes close to the ideal soundtrack for a dark retro -futuristic road movie shot in the desert: right under the sun.
Artwork: YZ, Harrisson
Sound: David Trep (producer), Mike Grinser (master)
Gogolplex fantastic work on Kaifa: click
(Lexi 016, 7", released October 2016)
Cogitate single is a tribute to John C. Lilly, famous for his research on ketamine and interspecies communication. It's also an exercise in perception through repetition. Mostly known for their 90bpm acid dj sets and live performances, the belgo-italian duet formed by Hugosan and DJ Athome tends to explore the limits of techno going deep and slow. Feel the contact.
Artwork: Harrisson - Printing: N.Storck
Mastering: F. Alstadt
Video: Squee'ek uh'k kk'kkkk squeek eee'eek
J'ai dansé avec elle
(Lexi 018, 7", released September 2016)
Composed on an electronic home organ, these emo, minimal and pretty unique instrumental songs from Aymeric De Tapol are the continuation of a discreet belgian tradition born in the cafés, raised in the beer and melancholic forever, the unconscious heritage of Marine much more than the prodigies of André Brasseur. Love is in the pipe.
Artwork: Aymeric De Tapol / Harrisson
Mastering: F. Alstadt
Video: Click
Danse des Nénuphars / Utrecht
(Lexi015, 7", released May 2016)
Dans la fumée, une musique est là , veloutée et chatoyante.
Le plafond s'écarte. La fumée s'envole.
Le noir se fait. Mais pas le silence.
Dans l'obscurité, les lumières se font entendre au loin.
Les voila! Elles sont éclatantes
In the smoke, there's music, velvety and sparkling.
The ceiling opens wide. The smoke flies away.
Black comes into being. But not the silence.
In the darkness, the lights are heard in the distance.
Here they are! They are glittering
Utrecht : Click
Artwork: F. Gastout, Printing: D. R. Maurissen - Production: L. Baudoux - Mastering: F. Alstadt Thanks: E. Gonay, D. Trep, S. Tallon
J'ai tout oublié
(Lexi014, 7", released July 2015)
Celebrating loneliness and endless nights in the small towns of France, Colombey (TG Gondard, Pizza Noise Mafia) signs a desperate summer hit with les Disques Lexi. On the b-side, his vocal, minimal keyboard and drum machine find the cello of TC to give a version of Colombey still seeking for a last one, not yet ready to sleep but peaceful at last.
Artwork: Thibault Gondard
Enjoy: Soundcloud
Triste Zoo
(Lexi013, 7", released February 2015)
Èlg aka Laurent Gérard has been diving deep into electronics for years and for this single is resurfacing to his first love: guitar and vocals. Except that everything changed. Baby-man is no more. But nervosity and neurosis are still flirting around. Breathe deeply. And if you can't, try alcohol and cigarettes.
Artwork: Laurent Gérard Dupont feat. GC & +H+
Listen: Soundcloud
A place In The World
(Lexi010, 7"+booklet, released December 2014)
Dream is a shadow of something real.
"A Place In The World" is a poem in 2 parts, a hypnotic journey through space and time. Destination: Everywhere. For his first release on vinyl, City Hands aka Manuel Padding from The Hague didn't drop his glorious Tibetan bowl for cymbals and in this tight 7-inch assembles all the pieces of his powerful performances: text, music, vision.
Artwork: Manuel Padding (design, collage, silkscreen), Emmanuel Gonay (design), Catherine Plenevaux (innersleeve, stamp)
TAV Exotic
French Girls
(Lexi012, 7", released October 2014)
Mike Crabbé (Weird Dust) and Ernesto Gonzales (Bear Bones Lay Low, Silvester Anfang II) unite in this fairly new project, diving into a zone where dirty techno is flirting with psychedelia and broken-hearts keep on smiling. Lexi is finally reaching the dancefloor -
stumbling in the red light.
Artwork: Ernesto Gonzales, Joel Vermot, Thibault Gondard, Michael Crabbé, Emmanuel Gonay
"nice." (Jos Meeuw)
Video created by Gabriela Gonzalez: Click
(Lexi011, 7", released June 2014)
Unchained aka Nathaniel Davis signs a record infused in bedroom pop: Pedrosa/Tropism sounds like an old archive from Les Disques du Crépuscule
(the Durutti Column connection), has the freedom of an ex-noise musician and sunny vibes from the East Coast.
Artwork: Helene Riviere
"By the time you sit down to really enjoy it, it's finished." (DJ Klakke)
Listen to something else: unchainedun.bandcamp.com
Lonely Hours
(Lexi009, 7" - released December 2012)
One unreleased anthem and a new classic from the ultimate Danish boys band Girlseeker: Contagious melodies wrapped up in a broken FM sound.
Artwork: Jonas Frederiksen
In a previous form: video
Edgar Wappenhalter
zingt Hendrik Marsman en Karel van de Woestijne
(Lexi 008, 7" - released December 2012)
An elegiac sweet psychedelic journey into 2 texts from dutch-speaking poets Marsman en van de Woestijne. Second track features the amazing Floris Van Hoof on synths.
Artwork: Harrisson
More: Morc Tapes
Emmanuel Holterbach
(Lexi007, 7"- released December 2012)
Best known for his field recordings or his work on Eliane Radigue archives, Emmanuel Holterbach reinterprets a classical opera in three short but intense pieces.
Artwork: Emmanuel Holterbach, Edouard Riou, Gwénola Carrère
More: Orbes
Banana Head
Goon House
(Lexi006 - 7" released February 2012)
Zully Adler is Goaty Tapes mastermind and worldwide DIY scene explorer behind Banana Head. Expect timeless songwriting, sparkling guitars and voice.
"très bien le 45tours ! "(TG)
Banana Head on Bandcamp: Click
Banana Head on Youtube: Click
Anne Laplantine
i send you a mp3
(Lexi005 - 7" released April 2011)
Five beautiful lo-fi short pieces from the french queen of electro-bidules.
"Sounds like seventies japanese tv show tunes (...)" (Joeri Bruyninckx)
Sleeve designed by Gwénola Carrère
Anne Laplantine on the www: http://annelaplantine.free.fr/
les boissons gratuites
(Lexi004 – 7" released February 2010)
A rare and romantic electrop-pop male duet featuring él-G on one side: a story of unknown places, alienation and free drinks.
On the other side a saturated, unusual and powerful voice performance: TG single-minded.
“Quite stylish!” (Byron Coley, Wire)
Sleeve designed by Serena Emiliani.
TG website: http://pagesperso-orange.fr/tg.fr/
The Rebel
Aiming Low EP
(Lexi003 – 7" released June 2009)
The Country Teasers frontman Ben Wallers (Scotland) is back! Four songs, 2 twisted pop gems, a very nice cover designed by Ben Wallers himself.
Aiming Low 7” promotes an album now out on Junior Aspirin.
Music For Any Speed
(Lexi002 - 7" released May 2009)
Organ scientist mudboy comes from Providence, Rhode Island, the town of Lightning Bolt AND HP Lovecraft.
Music For Any Speed is based on a reflexion on time.
“A rollercoaster ride in the dark. A psychedelic nightmare if you wish. Two fine songs.” (FdW, Vital Weekly)
Sleeve designed by mudboy
You can listen to mudboy here.
Benjamin Franklin
La Pente / Loupiotes
(Lexi001 - 7" released Autumn 2008)
“When listening to "La Pente", these doubts were confirmed.” (Joeri Bruyninckx)
“Side B takes me back in time, to the period that we first got to know Benjamin Franklin, as the uncrowned king of casio-bebop” (Mangenerated)
“A soundtrack for a sad/drunk smurfs film!” (Dennis Tyfus)
Sleeve designed by Serena Emiliani
Listen to bfkn