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02/04/2025 The Flying Luttenbachers @ Db's | 05/04/2025 Secte @ Cobra Jaune | 13/04/2025 Bunuel @ Le Botanique | 17/04/2025 Bunuel @ Roadburn Festival | 18/04/2025 La Marmite @ Le Belvédère | 19/04/2025 Peter Kernel @ Out of the Crowd |
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26/03/2025 We'll soon start presales for new Koenjihyakkei live album (2xCD/2xLP) soon. | 19/03/2025 We still have few copies of Pneu's new album. | 19/02/2025 Orders are slowly out for deliveries. We hope all orders will be out for the end of the week. | 12/02/2025 Due to Bpost strike, we won't send any orders this week. Things should be back to normal by next week. |
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S... (Belgium)
Les disques sont bien arrivés. Impécab...
M... (France)
Tout est bien arrivé en temps et à 100...
J... (France)
really great pieces of music, i love wha...
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|  | AKAUZAZTE Etzazuaka Label : Magia Roja Year : 2015 Format : 2xLP Style : Experimental / Rock Availability : In stock
Price : 31.80 € - BUY
| | | | Description : | Akauzazte are the last secret band in Europe. From their H.Q. at the Azkoitia abandonned abbatoir (Matadeixen) over the last twenty years they've always taken their time to perfect their records, their discography is vast, and they've evolved their sound in each one taken risks which few 'sacred cows' would take.
With these precedents expectations were high for their first 2XLP Etzazuaka, but have nonetheless been surpassed with their turn towards noise, atmospheres and rawness, replacing the primary solemnity and equilibrium between cogency and emptyness.
Between the industrial tribalism of Missing Foundation and the crushing force of early Swans (not in vain their rhythmic section is comprised of two drums and two basses) and their own deconstructed version of black metal or power electronics.
Most bands in industrial/noise music scenes are markedly urban, Akauzazte on the other hand sound rural, ritualistic and mystical. An oasis of ritual psychedelia and basque industrial 'folk' with ancient horn instruments and deteriorated and destroyed guitars that sound as though their amplifiers are about to explode.
| Titles : | SIDE A. Iparra
01. Argizko Kriseiluak
02. Azaroak 4 Gitar
03. Nekeza Izanagatik Itzulera
04. Lurberria
05. Cjkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
SIDE B. Hegoa
01. Zazpiak Bat
02. Esne Gorria
03. Gure Gogoa
SIDE C. Ekia
01. Anuki
02. Zertarako Den Askatasuna
SIDE D. Mendea
01. Lehen Arnasean Pozoituak
02. Putreak Haragi Sur
03. Adardantza
04. Sugeak Orain
05. Argiaren Etorrera